All the publications that will be published during SEARMET project will be uploaded to the digital archive of Estonian University of Life Sciences Library (DSpace). More information:
The list of publications will be also available on SEARMET website.
1. Ho Duy Binh; Maasalu, K; Dung, VC; Ngoc, CT; Hung, TT; Nam, TV; Nhan, LN; Prans, E; Reimann, E; Zhytnik, L; Kõks, S; Märtson, A (2017). The clinical features of osteogenesis imperfecta in Vietnam. International Orthopaedics, 41 (1, Int Orthop. 2016 Nov 2), 21−29.10.1007/s00264-016-3315-z.
2. Karis, P.; Jaakson, H.; Ling, K.; Ilves-Luht, A.; Samarütel, J.; Valdmann, A.; Reimann, E.; Pärn, P.; Bruckmaier, R.M.; Gross, J.J.; Kaart, T.; Ots, M. (2017). Insuliini retseptori ja glükoosi transporter 4 avaldumine eesti holsteini tõugu lehmade rasvkoes sõltuvalt kinnisperioodi toitumushindest. Terve loom ja tervislik toit: "Terve loom ja tervislik toit 2017", 1.-2. märts, Tartu. Toim. Kass, Marko. Tartu: Ecoprint, 126−128.
3. Kõks, Sulev; Keermann, Maris; Reimann, Ene; Prans, Ele; Abram, Kristi; Silm, Helgi; Kõks, Gea; Kingo, Kulli (2017). Psoriasis-Specific RNA Isoforms Identified by RNA-Seq Analysis of 173,446 Transcripts. Frontiers in Medicine, 3, 46.10.3389/fmed.2016.00046.
4. Maasalu, Katre; Laius, Ott; Zhytnik, Lidiia; Kõks, Sulev; Prans, Ele; Reimann, Ene; Märtson, Aare (2017). Transcriptional landscape analysis identifies differently expressed genes involved in follicle-stimulating hormone induced postmenopausal osteoporosis. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 242 (2), 203−2013.10.1177/1535370216679899.
5. Mark, Elina; Pärn, Pille; Kurõkin, Jevgeni; Kavak, Ants; Reilent, Andres; Jaakma, Ülle (2017). Uued tuuled Eesti tõuaretuse maastikul - farmipõhine veise in vitro embrüote tootmine. Marko Kass (Toim.). Konverentsi „Terve loom ja tervislik toit 2017“ artiklite kogumik. (106−109). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.
6. Mark, Elina (2017). Kumb oli enne - kas muna või kana? Triin Olvet (Toim.). Teadus kolme minutiga (140−143). Argo Kirjastus.
7. Planken A, Kurvits L, Reimann E, Kadastik-Eerme L, Kingo K, Kõks S, Taba P. (2017). Looking beyond the brain to improve the pathogenic understanding of Parkinson’s disease: implications of whole transcriptome profiling of skin. BMC Neurology, 17 (6), 6−6.10.1186/s12883-016-0784-z.
8. Sillaste, Gerly; Kaplinski, Lauris; Meier, Riho; Jaakma, Ülle; Eriste, Elo; Salumets, Andres (2017). A novel hypothesis for histone-to-protamine transition in Bos taurus spermatozoa. Reproduction (Cambridge, England), 153 (3), 241−251.10.1530/REP-16-0441.
9. Valdmann, M; Valdmann, A. (2017). Lehma emakast tsütoloogiliste proovide võtmise instrumendi väljatöötamine ja kasutamine. Terve loom ja tervislik toit: "Terve loom ja tervislik toit 2017", 1.-2. märts, 2017. Toim. Kass, Marko. Tartu: Ecoprint, 99−103.
1. Binh Ho Duy; Zhytnik, Lidiia; Maasalu, Katre; Kandla, Ivo; Prans, Ele; Reimann, Ene; Martson, Aare; Koks, Sulev (2016). Mutation analysis of the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes in Vietnamese patients with osteogenesis imperfecta. Human Genomics, 10 (27), 1−7.10.1186/s40246-016-0083-1.
2. Ehrlich, Marite, Marilin Ivask, Atso Raasmaja & Sulev Koks (2016). Analysis of metabolic effects of menthol on WFS1-deficient mice. Physiol Rep, 4 (1), 2016, e12660. doi:10.14814/phy2.12660.
3. Ivask Marilin, Alison Hugill, Sulev Kõks (2016). RNA-sequencing of WFS1-deficient pancreatic islets. Physiol Rep, 4 (7), 2016, e12750. doi:10.14814/phy2.12750.
4. Jaakson, Hanno; Karis, Priit; Ling, Katri; Samarütel, Jaak; Ilves-Luht, Aire; Reimann, Ene; Pärn, Pille; Bruckmaier, Rupert; Gross, Jospef; Ots, Meelis (2016). Adipose tissue INSR and GLUT4 expression with reference to body condition score in Holstein cows. 16th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals – Book of abstracts: 16th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals, Wageningen, the Netherlands 20-23 June 2016. Wageningen Academic Publishers, 108−108.10.3920/978-90-8686-831-5.
5. Jeremejeva, J.; Orro, T.; Valdmann, A.; Aunapuu, M.; Blank, I.; Arend, A.; Kask, K. (2016). Early versus late postpartum treatment of clinical endometritis in dairy cows using a combination of systemic administrations of ceftiofur with prostaglandin F2α. Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, 74, 9−13.
6. Koks, Sulev; Reimann, Ene; Maasalu, Katre; Koks, Gea; Xuan, Dung Ho; Prans, Ele; Martson, Aare (2016). Whole transcriptome analysis of osteosarcoma. The FASEB Journal, 30 (1), 515.6−515.6.
7. Krjutškov, Kaarel; Koel, Mariann; Roost, Anne Mari; Katayama, Shintaro; Einarsdottir, Elisabet; Jouhilahti, Eeva-Mari; Söderhäll, Cilla; Jaakma, Ülle; Plaas, Mario; Vesterlund, Liselotte; Lohi, Hannes; Salumets, Andres; Kere, Juha (2016). Globin mRNA reduction for whole-blood transcriptome sequencing. Scientific reports, 6, 31584−31584.10.1038/srep31584.
8. Kurykin, J.; Hallap, T.; Jalakas, M.; Padrik, P.; Kaart, T.; Johannisson, A.; Jaakma, Ü. (2016). Effect of insemination-related factors on pregnancy rate using sexed semen in Holstein heifers. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 61 (12), 568−577.10.17221/12/2016-CJAS.
9. Mark, Elina; Kurõkin, Jevgeni; Kavak, Ants; Jaakma, Ülle (2016). Munarakkude saamine elusloomalt ja veise embrüote kehaväline tootmine. Marko Kass (Toim.). Konverentsi „Terve loom ja tervislik toit 2016“ artiklite kogumik (56−60). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool.
10. Reimann, E; Kingo, K; Karelson, M; Reemann, P; Vasar, E; Silm, H; Kõks, S (2016). Whole Transcriptome Analysis (RNA Sequencing) of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Vitiligo Patients. Dermatopathology (Basel, Switzerland), 1 (1), 11−23.10.1159/000357402.
11. Tiirats, Airi; Viltrop, Triin; Nõukas, Margit; Reimann, Ene; Salumets, Andres; Kõks, Sulev (2016). C14orf132 gene is possibly related to extremely low birth weight. BMC genetics, 17 (1), 132−132.
12. Traks, Tanel; Karelson, Maire; Reimann, Ene; Rätsep, Ranno; Silm, Helgi; Vasar, Eero; Kõks, Sulev; Kingo, Külli (2016). Association analysis of class II cytokine and receptor genes in vitiligo patients. Human Immunology, 77 (5), 375−381.10.1016/j.humimm.2015.09.050.
13. Waldmann, A.; Raud, A. (2016). Comparison of a lateral flow milk progesterone test with enzyme immunoassay as an aid for reproductive status determination in cows. Veterinary Record, xx.10.1136/vr.103605.