43rd Annual Conference of the IETS in Austin, Texas from January 14th - 17th 2017
43rd Annual Conference of the IETS (International Embryo Transfer Society) in Austin, Texas from January 14 - 17 2017. This is the largest international society for embryo transfer in non-humans. The 43rd Annual Conference of the IETS (International Embryo Transfer Society) covered a variety of topics like gene editing, molecular mechanisms regulating male and female fertility, commercial embryo production, nutritional control of oocyte and embryo quality and embryo communications. Marilin Ivask and Sulev Kõks from EMU/UT participated in the conference. In addition to gaining new knowledge and contacts, they had the opportunity to attend the DABE (Domestic Animal Biomedical Embryology) pre-conference workshop on the use of CRISPR-Cas9 for gene editing, where leading scientists and practitioners shared their experiences working with the CRISPR-Cas technology. Marilin Ivask also met with Charles R. Long from the Texas A&M University who is a leading scientist in the field of livestock genetic engineering.