Medical A.R.T. Seminar “Challenges for Today: Assisted Reproduction Technologies” in Tallinn, Estonia on May 12th 2016

Medical A.R.T. Seminar “Challenges for Today: Assisted Reproduction Technologies” in Tallinn, Estonia on May 12th 2016. A multidisciplinary seminar on “Assisted Reproduction Technologies” (A.R.T.) intended to produce an open public debate on the topic. Marilin Ivask from EMU/UT and Jan Ole Bertelsen Secher from the University of Copenhagen who is an expert in experimentation with transgender animals and micro manipulation participated in the international symposium. Marilin Ivask was an invited speaker and had an oral presentation titled “Potential of transgenic animal technologies for the modern biotechnology industry”. In addition to presenting the work done at EMU/UT, she learned about very interesting A.R.T. science done in Belgium and developed new contacts.